Friday, October 28, 2011

Magic in the air

Each day the butterflies are in the gardens is a blessed day.
We have had a few light frosts.

The marigolds have been outstanding this year.
They are my marigolds....seed to seed for many, many years.
I once again took my yoga to the deck.

Once again I took my meditation outdoors.
I wanted to be with the butterflies and birds.

The colors mix with the scent of wood fires.
I am reminded of long ago bonfires.
I can hear laughter in the Northern wind.
I am filled with October's magic.

1 comment:

Angie said...

It has been a beautiful Autumn here too, Sherry. I've reveled in the colors, scents, the hint of chill just underneath the warmth. The Tufted Titmice are beginning to feel comfortable coming to my feeders; a pair of Carolina Wrens have returned. The fire is blazing in the stove on these chilly mornings, and I am at peace. Blessed be, my friend.