Friday, September 2, 2011

Swan Days

I am following Celtic Astrology.

Today is the first day of Vine Muin.
The symbol for these days is the White Swan.
The Swan is a totem animal for me.

I look to the sky and see Swan.

I looked back at the photographs from our road trip in May.
I remembered the gift of seeing Swans building their nest.

I always have Swans about.

They are tucked into my gardens.

They nest in all sorts of spots.

My desk Swan is waiting for her card for September.

I have a few journals I keep.
I am planning a September retreat
 for September 20, 21 and 22nd.

I am listening to the Swans.
I am learning from their lessons.

I am highlighting and taking notes.

I have always like Winter.
I like the coolness and the bright sun.
I like the snow and the birds.
I just miss the butterflies!

The Waxing Crescent Moon
in September is my Swan Moon.
Last night I watched her from my deck
 setting in the west.
It was 90 degrees at 9pm.
I thought it was too hot to go walking.

I heard her call to me.
I put my shoes on.
I walked under my Swan Moon.
I watched as she turned an amazing gorgeous orange.
The color of creativity.
I am grateful for her encouragement.

In September I celebrate
the Clown.

In September I celebrate

the Swan.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry,

I am looking forward to be in the 'now' will be good for me.

I have been watching the moon and thinking of you.
Each time I see a swan my friend comes to my mind.

Autumn is here......things are changing. Nella senses the changes......sweet Nella.