Friday, August 12, 2011

Body, mind and soul

Being outside with the butterflies is very joyful for me.
I was so happy to see a Red Admiral this afternoon.

The Giant Swallowtail comes most every afternoon.

I am glad I deadheaded the Butterfly bush.

A pair of Monarchs mating.
The newly emerged butterflies from these eggs
 are the butterflies that will migrate to Mexico in October.

Every time I am with the Hummingbirds I am happy.

The sunflowers are finishing up.
The Gold Finches are getting their fill.

It has been a hard Summer.
The heat and humidity has taken its toll.

But we will bounce back.
We will make some changes so our next year's summer is easier.

I will have to decide what plants I will
over winter indoors.

 I get distracted by the butterflies.

The Full Green Corn Moon rises tonight.

I have added another pose to my yoga time.

My mind, body and soul are full too.

One aspect informs the others.

I am full of joy.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry,

Red Admirals are missing from my garden. I usually have plenty.
This species is one that is in decline here.....I miss them.
Bless the butterflies.

I saw Speckled Woods mating yesterday. It made me smile. They live in the copse. It is a perfect place for them and they have the conditions that suit them there.

Your yoga position made me smile :)
I doubt I could do that now.
Gardening, with all the heavy lifting, has taken it's toll on this body of mine.
I do Tai Chi here and there, I find it most helpful for calming the mind and relaxing the body.

Love seeing you birds and butterflies.....your blogs always give me hope...tku.